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E. M. Bounds

Preacher and Prayer

     “There is no expiration of a prayer for a prayer once made has wings, a life and a force that reach far into the future and into eternity--all for the glory of God. A man prayed. God listened. God would answer in His perfect time. This was the case in the life of E. M. Bounds ... It is our great privilege to re-publish in one volume Never Quit Praying for Your Loved Ones by Marion Price and the unabridged edition of Preacher and Prayer by E. M. Bounds (which was only one of two books published in Bounds' lifetime). Every minister of the gospel should carefully study Bounds' treatise on preaching and prayer as they are vitally connected. We pray that this little volume will bless you immensely and that your own prayer life and preaching ministry will be renewed and revitalized all to the glory of God! (Dr. E.A. Johnston).”

Table of Contents & Sample Pages 
Where to Purchase:
Preacher and Prayer


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"He keepeth the paths of judgment, and preserveth the way of his saints."

Proverbs 2:8