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Charles Henry Mackintosh

The Bible: Its Sufficiency and Supremacy

     “Some, we are aware, would fain persuade us that things are so totally changed since the Bible was penned, that we need other guidance than that which its precious pages supply. They tell us that society is not what it was; that the human race has made progress; that there has been such a development of the powers of nature, the resources of science, and the appliances of philosophy, that to maintain the sufficiency and supremacy of the Bible, at such a point in the world’s history as the nineteenth century of the Christian era, can only be regarded as childishness, ignorance, or imbecility.“Now, the men that tell us these things may be very clever and very learned; but we have no hesitation whatever in telling them that, in this matter, “they do greatly err, not knowing the Scriptures, nor the power of God.” [Matthew 22:29]

Table of Contents & Sample Pages 
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The Bible: Its Sufficiency and Supremacy


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"He keepeth the paths of judgment, and preserveth the way of his saints."

Proverbs 2:8