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Dr. Steve Combs

So Shall My Word Be: Using Biblical Principles to Judge the Modern Bible Versions Movement

    In this book, you will find seven Biblical principles that will enable you judge modern Bible versions and the entire modern versions movement.There have been more than 200 English Bible versions published since 1881. They are not all the same. How are we to evaluate them? These versions are part of a connected movement that can be evaluated by applying Bible principles. God has not left us to figure it out alone.

Principle 1: Basic Doctrines of the Scriptures Principle

  2: Satan's Master Plan Principle

3: God is the God of History Principle

4: God is not the Author of Confusion Principle

5: God's Word is Truth Principle

6: If the Blind lead the Blind Principle

7: Sweet Water and Bitter Fountains?

Table of Contents & Sample Pages
Where to Purchase:
So Shall My Word Be: Using Biblical Principles to Judge the Modern Bible Versions Movement


A Practical Guide to Bible Translation Projects: Book 2: Bible Translating Series

    Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls … (Jeremiah 6:16) This is the second book written in a series on Bible translating. The first was A Practical Theology of Bible Translating. This second book adds to the theology, but focuses more on the practical aspects of starting, conducting, and finishing a translation project. A book like this is extremely important. We live in an age when the old paths have been all but forgotten when it comes to Bible translating. Many have forgotten the importance of the actual words God inspired. They think the only thing that matters is to carry the meaning or message into the translation. Meaning is important, but I argue that the meaning is imbedded in the inspired words, and that it is those words with the proper meaning that are to be translated. Translation projects and local situations differ greatly. So, there is no one standard plan or pattern that fits all projects. There are six categories in this book about translating:

1. Convictions that are absolutely necessary to be a good translator: the inspiration, preservation, and sufficiency of the Word of God.

2. Basic principles of Bible translation.

3. Organizing and operating the translation team and project.

4. The theology and practice of the work of translating

5. Techniques to check and test the translation.

6. Printing and distributing the translation.

It is our prayer that this guide will result in many new translation projects and further spread the preaching of the precious Word of God.

Table of Contents & Sample Pages
Where to Purchase:
A Practical Guide to Bible Translation Projects: Book 2: Bible Translating Series

Coming Soon!


The LSB and Other Unusual Bible Questions: The Legacy Standard Bible and the Questions It Creates: Yahweh or Jehovah, Servant of Slave     

      TIs God’s name Jehovah or Yahweh? Is the Christian a servant or a slave? The LSB is the Legacy Standard Bible, a brand new English Bible Translation. The LSB raises some controversial questions. This new version never calls God “Lord” in the Old Testament. The translators chose to use the Hebrew name of God. The name they chose was Yahweh. But, is God’s Hebrew name Yahweh or Jehovah, as the King James Version says. The translators also chose to consistently call Christians and the Lord Jesus Christ “slaves,” rather than “servants” as the KJV calls them. Which is right? What are the right translations? Yahweh? Jehovah? Slave? Servant? Does it really matter? So what if we call God by the wrong name? Does He care? Should you care? Are you a servant or are you a slave? These things are immensely important. God’s name is to be praised, but what if we praise the wrong name? Are we really praising God or someone else? We had better know for sure. The answer to these questions can make a big difference in our worship and our service.

Table of Contents & Sample Pages
Where to Purchase:
The LSB and Other Unusual Bible Questions: The Legacy Standard Bible and the Questions It Creates: Yahweh or Jehovah, Servant of Slave
Available in Paperback


The Translator's Greek Grammar of the Textus Receptus     

      This grammar is designed to encourage faith and confidence in the Word of God. It is designed to turn students into

1) translators who can confidently, accurately, and skillfully translate the word of God into the many languages of the world, 2) to train students who want to learn the New Testament in its original language, 3) to provide a manual that will help Bible Students understand Greek grammar when they use computer Bible tools such as E-sword. After all, God inspired the New Testament in Greek and those inspired Greek words are also the Word of God. Greek Grammar is Not Just for Scholars It is also for those who want to translate God’s word to another language, and it is for every Christian who wants to use the Free Greek tools online. The distinctives of this grammar include:

1. This grammar is based on the Greek Textus Receptus, which is the source of the KJV New Testament.

2. This grammar includes the doctrines of the inspiration and preservation of the Bible and the history of the New Testament Text.

3. This grammar includes lessons we can learn from the translation choices and methods of the KJV translators.

4. This grammar includes the entire first chapter of John in Greek and teaches the student through Biblical examples.

5. The lessons start with John 1:1 and explain the topics raised by that and succeeding verses.

6. All aspects of basic grammar are covered.

7. Examples and exercises are drawn from the Received Greek Text with only rare non-biblical examples.

8. This grammar (especially the final chapters) includes instruction on key principles of translating.

Table of Contents & Sample Pages
Where to Purchase:
The Translator's Greek Grammar of the Textus Receptus
Available in Paperback


Election and Predestination: Ephesians 1:4-5     

      Calvin’s doctrines of election were not based on his remarkable Bible study and understanding. They were based on his remarkable ignorance.” Pg 18 These are the Words of the 1689 Confession of Faith: “By the decree of God, for the manifestation of His glory, some men and angels are predestinated, or foreordained to eternal life through Jesus Christ … to the praise of His glorious grace … others being left to act in their sin to their just condemnation, to the praise of His glorious justice …” Contrast this with the Wonderful Words of Jesus Christ Himself: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16). A select few OR Whosoever? Only a few OR ANYONE can be saved?

Table of Contents & Sample Pages
Where to Purchase:
Election and Predestination: Ephesians 1:4-5
Available in Paperback


Parallel Greek Received Text and King James Version The New Testament     

      The Greek New Testament is the 1881 printing of the Textus Receptus edited by Frederick H. A. Scrivener, a well-respected late nineteenth century scholar. The Textus Receptus (TR), also called the Received Text, is a printed Greek New Testament that is based on the vast majority of ancient hand-written New Testament manuscripts. This massive quantity of manuscripts is called the Traditional or Byzantine Text. The King James Version New Testament was translated from the Received Text. The TR was first published in 1516. This volume is similar to interlinears, in that it compares the Greek and English. However, it differs with many interlinears in that it does not include a separate “literal” translation. Interlinears often include a new translation or a so-called “literal” translation. The implication is that the “literal” translation is more correct than the popular translation (such as the KJV), because it is “literal.” However, literal does not always mean “literal.” Most Greek words can be translated in various ways, so the word chosen by the translator as the literal translation may actually not be the best word in the context. The KJV is a translation that has stood the dual tests of time and God’s scrutiny. For over four hundred years, God has placed His stamp of approval on it. He has used the KJV and the TR for every great movement of world-wide evangelism since 1611. Even today, with all the new translations and the interlinears, the KJV is still a worldwide best seller every year.

Table of Contents & Sample Pages
Where to Purchase:
Parallel Greek Received Text and King James Version The New Testament
Available in both Hardcover & Paperback


The New Testament: The Greek Textus Receptus 1881 Edition By F.H. A. Scrivener Reformatted Global Edition     

      This book comes in a perfect bound as well as a hardback edition. The Greek New Testament is the 1881 printing of the Textus Receptus edited by Frederick H. A. Scrivener, a well-respected late nineteenth century scholar. The Textus Receptus (TR), also called the Received Text, is a printed Greek New Testament that is based on the vast majority of ancient hand-written New Testament manuscripts. This massive quantity of manuscripts is called the Traditional or Byzantine Text. The King James Version New Testament was translated from the Received Text. The TR was first published in 1516.

      God is the God of history. In light of that fact, we should take a close look at what God was doing at that time. God was making preparation for a major change in history. Another text was being prepared in Spain, but God wanted the TR to be published first so that it would be available to be used in the upcoming Reformation, when Europe rebelled against the Catholic Church. The Reformation began in 1517 (the year following it’s first publication) when Martin Luther posted his ninety-five theses to the door of the church in Wittenberg, Germany. The second edition in 1519 became the basis of Martin Luther’s German translation. Later, the Received Text became the basis for many translations, including the King James Version. God made a deliberate choice of the Received Text to start and move the Reformation. He has used the KJV and the TR for every great movement of world-wide evangelism since 1516. The current mission movement has its origin in the 1790’s through the reading of the KJV, a TR translation, by William Carey. The Received Text is the inspired word of God in Greek.

Table of Contents & Sample Pages
Where to Purchase:
The New Testament: The Greek Textus Receptus 1881 Edition By F.H. A. Scrivener Reformatted Global Edition
Available in both Hardcover & Paperback


A Practical Theology of Bible Translating: What Does the Bible Teach About Bible Translating for All Nations     

The Study of translating is one of the most important in modern times and probably one of the most neglected. All Christians will profit from this book. You will be inspired, challenged and enlightened by this must-read book. A careful reading of this book will assist translators around the world to come to a knowledge of what God expects from those handling His Words “to make them known.” Man cannot and should not assume that he can establish the “rules’ for how to “make them known,” because God has “ magnified [His] word above all [His] name” (Psalm 138:2f),and the following verse indicates how high He has exalted His name. This book shows the “why” and the “how” to carry over God’s Words into the languages of the world, according to God’s standards, not man’s. This book is not just for translators. It is for all Christians who love the Word of God. Textual scholars have taught us that we still do not yet fully know what the original Scriptures said. They tell us all our Bibles have places that are uncertain and may have errors. But, God has inspired and preserved all His Words. We can be fully confident that every word of God is available to us. This book can build confidence in the Bible. It will lift your view of God’s Word and encourage your faith. Dr. Combs’ qualifications to author this book are evident by his extensive research and teaching of translation. He has spent many years consulting with translators, studying and gleaning from the scriptures. He has modeled the importance of using Biblical principles to produce a faithful, accurate and true translation of God's Word. Writing about this vital topic is the result of labor that has been years in the making. You will be inspired, challenged and enlightened by this must-read book.

Table of Contents & Sample Pages
Where to Purchase:
A Practical Theology of Bible Translating: What Does the Bible Teach About Bible Translating for All Nations


The Fellowship of the Mystery: The Book of Ephesians     

The Book of Ephesians tells us about a mystery kept secret since the foundation of the world. The book is about learning “what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ” (Eph. 3:9).

The book reveals a life of strength and a life of wisdom and a life of power and a life of victory in a troubled world. Successful living depends on following God’s instructions for life. The Book of Ephesians reveals God’s instructions on:

Our Spiritual Blessings in Him

 Election and Predestination

Dispensation of the Fullness of Times

Unity of the Church in Christ

Doctrinal Truth and Purity

 Unity of Love in the Church

Moral living in a Dark World

 The Filling of the Spirit

 What is Christian Music?

 Marriage: a Picture of the Church

 Children and Fathers

 Other Relationships

 The Warfare of the Church

      The Book of Ephesians is also the greatest book in the New Testament on the doctrine of the church. It reveals the spiritual nature of the church as well as an emphasis on the doctrinal, love, and moral unity of the church. It deals with false doctrine about the church, salvation, and what God is doing in this dispensation. It gives you a foundation for living a successful Christian life. With this book, you may partake with Paul in the fellowship of the mystery.

Table of Contents & Sample Pages
Where to Purchase:
The Fellowship of the Mystery: The Book of Ephesians


The Power of the Gospel, A Survey of Romans


“Who am I, Who is God, why was I born, where am I going? The future, life after death, eternal happiness, victory and fulfillment in life: these are the subjects of the Book of Romans. All the great questions of life are answered in its pages. Romans explains the gospel; that Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay for our sins and rose physically from the dead three days later. Eternal life and all the benefits God reveals in the book of Romans come to us through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and His death and resurrection. Dr. Steve Combs is a Baptist minister. He spent his early years in Kentucky, Virginia, and finally Ohio. He was not raised in a Christian home. He had some Christian influence from his grandmother, but that had little effect on him. Due to discussions with a Baptist preacher and a Sunday School teacher, who visited his home, he began to read the Bible. The Word of God had its effect. He came under strong conviction of his sins. A friend invited him to a nearby church during revival meetings. As a result, he received Christ as his Savior. Since then there have been major transformations to his life. God called him to preach and enabled a backward shy individual suffering from an inferiority complex to stand before crowds and confidently proclaim the Word of God. God gave him a business background as a CPA and put him in several ministry positions. He has served as a Bible Institute teacher, a youth pastor, and a senior pastor. He holds a Doctor of Theology from Covington Theological Seminary. Currently, Steve Combs is Assistant Director and a Global Translation Advisor for Bearing Precious Seed Global/ Global Bible Translators, BPS Global starts and assists Bible translation projects around the world. He is married and has four married children.

Table of Contents & Sample Pages
Where to Purchase:
The Power of the Gospel, A Survey of Romans

Steve Comb's Book Set


1.The NT: The Greek Textus Receptus 1881 Edition

2. Parallel Greek Received Text and KJV New Testament

3. The Translator’s Greek Grammar of the Textus Receptus

4. A Practical Theology of Bible Translating

5. A Practical Guide to Bible Translation Projects

This set can be purchased in paperback. Pricing is a 20% discount. Paperback set $110.00 plus S&H. Please contact The Old Paths Publications, Inc. for this set and special pricing.

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"He keepeth the paths of judgment, and preserveth the way of his saints."

Proverbs 2:8